Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Almost new year greetings! What a year it's been. Before I reflect I'll note that I am doped up on ibuprofen and caffeine. I was up most of the night with an extremely painful shoulder. I went bowling with my parents, nieces & nephew and perhaps I did something then? PS. the little children kickd my a$$, that is until I started bowling with my left hand/arm which is the shoulder that is throbbing. I am also on my 2nd cup of very strong coffee from my Seattle. No breakfast, just coffee and pills. What a way to end the year!
I started this year off in San Diego and found myself then entering into a relationship that began as quickly as it ended. Due to this relationship I took much too much time off wondering and waiting for things to happen. It all seemed right at the time, looking back over the year at that specific item, I probably should have been more honest to myself about how things weren't going to work out in the end. I think I knew earlier than I admitted but given the kind of person I am and the kind of person I was with, we both wanted to make it work and give it our all. We can't fault ourselves for trying. And in the end- I learned much more about myself, love, men, what I want and for sure what I don't want. It's a prime example of the cliche "if you lose, don't lose the lesson". I didn't! What I experienced and learned was golden and though I spent a lot of time not doing anything but pondering and waiting, in the end it all made sense.
Once that ended, I got busy looking for work. This area too presented many challenges. Being a licensed social worker in AZ is alot different that being one in WA. I started and ended a few jobs, more than I wanted to deal with. It's not my M.O. I like consistency and at that point was seeking some sort of settled feeling due to the chaotic nature of everything else around me.
But I kept searching and wondering and hoping for the best, and couldn't be more thrilled to be where I'm at now- on the horizon on my excellent new job starting soon. The one that I always wanted and in some ways thought it impossible to get. But I did and it's a great way to end and begin a year.
I also continued to perfect or at least practice my communication skills with both family and friends. It was a year of redefining boundaries, setting some news, letting go of others. A good portion of the year was me working on bettering my self in all aspects...of course spiritually being the first and foremost. The one thing I hang onto the most and rely on before all is that relationship with God, Jesus, Creator, Spirit, Universe...all titles are interchangable. This is who I seek out in the darkness of the night, in the fear, in the wondering, in the hoping, in the celebrating. This is always a defining moment.
I'm sad this year wasn't full of more concerts except for Helio. I did meet Maynard JK though and he just started at me. I travelled a ton this year...I was out and about at least once a month if not more. That's always a highlight for me and I hope 2009 allow for just as much or more!
I learned to appreciate my parents more than ever, is that possible since I've always been a big fan of theirs?
I've appreciated the time spent with my good best friend Angela, she's a gem and I love that I get to see her so much more now!
I can't say this has been the best year ever, but it wasn't the worst. It was a year full of growing, learning, love, changes, exploration, family, travel, blessings of health and safety, decisions, licenses, celebrations and beauty.
I look back and am grateful that my family and I are healthy. I am grateful that I have a family that love me and support me and allow me to do the same. I am grateful that I am woman born into a country where I have choices, I have freedom and I have a voice. The alternatives are numerous and it's by the grace of God that we are where we are. I am grateful for my friends who love me and let me in their lives. I am grateful for my new excellent job and I pray that I will be the best social worker I can be for the population I will be serving. I am daily humbled by all that I and those around me have, at times that humility forces me on my knees to acknowledge my gratitude. I look back on these things with gratitude and look ahead for them to continue and prosper.
It's been a good year and here's to an even better one- 2009!
Happy New Year everyone. Stay safe celebrating and may it be great for us all!
Love- me

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